The Horoscopic Wheel; The Zodiac
The natural horoscopic chart with common signfications of each house (pie section).
Self, Appearance, Health
- Speech, Food & Drink, Finances
- Siblings, Short Trips, Art, Communication
- Mother, Home, Education, Vehicles, Ancestors
- Romance, Children, Intellect, Intuition
- Health, Disease, Enemies, Debt, Litigation, Labor
- Partner, Public, Moral Conduct
- Sex, Death, Longevity, Legacy, Accidents, Scandal
- Higher Education, Teachers, Luck, Spirituality, Foreign Voyages
- Reputation, Public Image, Government, Commerce
- Hopes, Wishes, Dreams, Income, Social Clubs
- Institutions, Isolation, Secrets, Expenditures, Losses, Bed Comforts, Foreign Voyages
One of the first lessons that I learned was terminology. To understand and speak any language, one has to learn the vocabulary. Let’s start with the horoscopic wheel. This is the Western interpretation of the horoscope. The numbered sections of this “pie” chart are termed houses. Each house represents an area of life and is associated with one of the twelve zodiacal signs.
In astrology, a sign of the zodiac represents one of the twelve specific constellations that the sun passes through in its 365-day journey in the sky, when viewed from the earth. There are many constellations in the sky, but I view, astrology as a theory that was hypothesized by the ancients, using the visible stars in the sky. Studying the cycles of the spheres in the sky and the association of what was occurring on earth, the ancient priest/astronomers were able to ascertain certain events, such as planting crops would be best in Spring. Harvest time was associated with the days getting shorter. After harvest, it would best to prepare for the cooler weather.
Nature encompassed not only the earth that man can traverse, but the sky which was beyond reach, but still was a part of man’s life.